Monday, April 28, 2014

I saw a post from a cousin of mine of a bird picture a friend of her had posted.  She was holding the bird in her hand because it had hit an window.   I've seen one like it before but it is very rare in our area.  It reminded me of an encounter with a bird I had just had in our area.
 I didn't put the Christmas Tree up in the garage this year, instead I hind it on the back porch.  A mockingbird made a nest in it and hatched eggs.  The other day I saw one of them on the ground with it's mother.  I picked it up and put it back in the tree twice.  The third time I got it on my finger and took it to show the family.  While inside I put it on my shoulders and played guitar.  I put it back on the nest after that and the next morning they had all flown away.  I can't believe how fast mockingbirds mature!  Here the first picture I took when it started to leave the nest.
   Guess the reason I'm posting this to my blog is the blog started with an experience I had with an owl.  Maybe it's a marker of a period shift in my life.  Maybe it's just a stupid encounter with another bird.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Here's a better picture of my grand daughter's blue eyes.

Kaylyn our third grand baby

Here she is our latest grand baby Kaylyn.  She's the daughter of my number 3 child.  She has just started to crawl. 

Here she is pictured with the pink frog we got her for Valentine.  I got to see her crawling, the first time for me the other day.  We also had a really good meal with Justin and Lindsay my daughter and son-in-law.  He's a chef and fixed a really good soup dinner.  Gracie the dog was also excited to see us.