Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ice Road Trucking

Things are looking a little dicey out here so I thought I record a video for my grandson [Mason}and post it just in case.

Guess feeling nervous about things is part of trucking.  Weather is not a thing that upsets me though.  Take a AP news report last week I heard traveling across the south.  The reporter was excited and reported that the Gov was requiring big trucks (80,000 lbs) to get 10% better fuel economy by a future date.  To me the reporter seemed happy great leader has made this happen.
Anyway I get upset thinking about the reporter thinking it's happened.  If Cummins, Caterpillar, Detriot, Mercedes, Volvo and International Harvester just to name a few could build a engine that could do that it would make more than a third of my new truck payment!!!

They're trying to add 17 cents to the fuel tax on top of the 20 cents increased in cost this week in fuel.  Just the tax alone is a 75.00 dollar a week increase tax to me so looks like that 95 % gets tax cut  ... well guess I finally made the 5% group!!!!!

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