Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Grandkids in the South Texas Spring. 2016

Here' a picture of my youngest grandchild, Kailyn, from April of this year.  She just got a new puppy called "Ruger".

 Here's my grandsons Mason and Maddox.  If you notice I used the same sky.  I use an open source program called "Gimp".  The sky on the top picture is zoomed in more but if you look at the tiny cloud in the middle you can see the size is different and in the top picture nearer to the horizon.  Getting the clouds to show through the brush was a trick.  I didn't do as good of job on the bottom picture because it was my first try at layering mask. I lost detail in the fence and some clouds show through the fence post.  Sure it's easy to go back and paint in the post from it's layer but I learned that trick after I posted it to Facebook.

 Here's a screenshot of the App "Gimp" with a picture before I edited the sky.  I Googled sky pictures until my OCD thought I found a sky that matched better with the Bluebonnets.

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